Ep10: Increasing Mental Health Awareness in Leaders & Influencers can help everyone stay safer with Clint

About our Guest: Clint Adams

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Clint Adams is a former Victorian police officer who studied psychology and later, rehabilitation counselling. His police, counselling, injury management, senior human resources roles and working with asylum seekers have made him develop insights into the psychology and social interactions of individuals in trying conditions.

Clint has developed various behavioural and leadership programs to help people deal with various issues from PTSD to bullying and harassment. He is a keynote speaker on Suicide Prevention and Diversity and runs programs on mental health and wellbeing for corporate organisations and sporting organisations for teens.

Clint is the author of Lighting the Blue Flame. The book is written as a story of a teen who commits suicide because of being bullied, but wants his death to at least have an impact to change things so it doesn’t happen to others. Even though the book is about teenagers, it has resources that are useful to anyone regarding bullying, sucide prevention and dealing with the grieving process.

Lighting the Blue Flame, is not just any book, it has lots of QR codes throughout for the reader to research these important topics further, so it is a little more interactive than other books. It also has its own soundtrack as Clint wanted to add that extra layer of depth to the experience, as music can emphasise how people feel and experience things. 

Clint discusses the Dialogue Model from the book Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillian & Al Switzler, a great model for developing your skills in having the conversation.

Listen in to go from surviving to thriving.

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